The Protassium+ Difference


Many golf course superintendents replenish their courses with fertilizer sources that contain high levels of potassium. Unfortunately those sources, like muriate of potash, may also contain high levels of chloride. While high potassium content is beneficial, high chloride content can lead to turf burn and increased stress. To avoid the detrimental effects of chloride, many superintendents have turned to Protassium+. It has virtually no chloride and the lowest salt index per unit of K2O as compared to any major potassium fertilizer on the market.

Stand Up to Stress

With unpredictable weather conditions and heavy foot traffic, durable, strong turfgrass is a necessity. Potassium activates over 80 plant enzymes that support physiological development and improve turfgrass performance. With adequate levels of potassium, turfgrass will become more tolerant to drought conditions, be able to withstand temperature extremes and resist diseases easier. With 50 percent potassium content, Protassium+ sulfate of potash helps cultivate durable, resilient turf.

Flexibility to Fit Needs

Protassium+ is available in a variety of grades to provide application flexibility to fit every operation. With virtually no chloride and a low salt index, it is one of the safest K options for turfgrass and can be applied worry-free year round. Order Protassium+ by calling Compass Minerals. In Western Canada your representative is Scott Duesing – (403) 461-6233 / email: For Eastern Canada contact Ryan Keller – (606) 684-0105 / email:

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