Maybe it’s time to reinvent National Golf Day in Canada

Due to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, We Are Golf (The National Allied Golf Associations/NAGA) has postponed National Golf Day in Canada, originally scheduled for Tuesday, May 12, 2020. Let’s hope the We are Golf people use this down time wisely and rethink the past strategy and really bring the golf industry together across Canada for a real National Golf Day or Week in Canada next year. All you have to do is look at the popularity of Hockey Day in Canada each year and use the hockey program as a template for the creation of a National Golf Day/Week.

This so-called National Golf Day that has been running for years and ineffective so far, is really a NGCOA promotion and photo op to lobby the government for a fair tax ruling. It is not a National Golf Day so call it what it is.  I have no problem and agree with any program that helps or can influence a change to the tax ruling and make it fair. I just hope We are Golf are using the Covid -19 pandemic crisis to strongly lobby members of parliament now and make a fair tax law to help support golf clubs.

It would be interesting to learn what efforts are currently being made by ‘We are Golf” and if anyone is actively leveraging this business crisis to influence the government and help golf clubs. Government is assisting all sorts of business at this time and now is the time to make the tax law fair for golf clubs.

Change the name to Golf Lobby day or something creative and bring in influential golf/business people that creates media attention and puts pressure of members of parliament. What is currently being done has shown the current strategy is not working.

Once a lobby day is created you can start a real National Golf Day or Week and involve everyone in golf. All divisions of golf clubs, golf manufactures/distributors, players, celebrities, associations, retailers, media, tours, golf event people should all be involved. Yes, it will take time, creativity and a unique strategy but it will be worth it and good for the game. Invite members of parliament, government officials from every province and get them involved. It’s time to have a real National Golf Day in Canada.

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