Jason Haines, golf course superintendent at Pender Harbour Golf Club in British Columbia joins the editorial team at Pro Shop Magazine, golfindustrynetwork.ca, and The Press Room.


Jason Haines is the golf course superintendent at Pender Harbour Golf Club in British Columbia, Canada. He is a passionate turfgrass manager with a love for the outdoors and enjoys trying new things and pushing his personal boundaries. Haines achieved a diploma in turfgrass management technology from NAIT (Fairview College). He also received an award from Golf Course Industry magazine in 2014 for Best Blog/Savvy Social Media and was a Merit International Winner for the 2017 Environmental Leaders in Golf Awards. He is an active user of social media (@pendersuper) and has been sharing his ideas about greenkeeping on his blog www.turfhacker.com since 2011.

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