After 12 years as an operator including 7 years as Head Professional at Angus Glen GC. and 17+ years at ClubLink head office, Tim Green is providing his experience and knowledge to help golf courses become better.

Introducing TGreen Solutions. “These next couple of years are going to be an important time for you to firm up your message to the marketplace and build some connective tissue from these bonus pandemic seasons to your future. A palate cleanser of sorts. An available reset button is very rare. The best view of your business is from inside our industry. I’ve been here for 30 years. I have developed strategies on behalf of dozens of Courses. There are many ways to package a Golf Course story and there are many ways to sell the game of golf itself. Each Club blends its own recipe from those ingredients.

If you are at the point where you are considering a different strategy for how you present yourself to the market, I’d like to help you with that program” says Green.

Now is the time to position your product with golf the right way! Green says “Marketing” can be a big word. It can be a misunderstood word. At its simplest, Marketing is anything that you use as a tool in your customer-facing efforts. Sell-sheets, posters, contracts, cart cards, score cards, rules sheets, welcome notes, thank you notes, proposals, menus, Instruction info etc. If it is going in front of the eyes of the customer, it’s a marketing tool and it needs some attention to get it in line. We often find ourselves playing more defence than offence with many of these items.

If you want to position your product with golf the right way or if you are at the point where you are considering a different strategy for how you present yourself to the market call 416-300-2075, email – twgreen@rogers.com or visit www.tgreensolutions.com

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