The new Bayer Nematode Solution Zone!


Get to know nematodes

Nematodes are detrimental turf pests found in golf course greens, fairways and tees across the United States. They are small, microscopic, unsegmented worms that feed on turfgrass roots, disabling their ability to take up water and nutrients. Nematodes can be devastating to root formation and overall turf health.

Feeding habits

Nematodes are most abundant when the turf is actively growing – in the spring and fall for cool-season grasses, and in the summer months for warm-season grasses. In addition to direct feeding, nematodes can promote fungal infection and development, resulting in greater turf damage.

What to look for

Above ground: Patchy yellowing of turf, thinning, wilting, poor response to fertilizers and weed invasion

Below ground: Reduced rooting, root lesions, root knots or root galls, excessive root branching, injured root tips and root rots (Associated with take-all root rot, Pythium root rot and other opportunistic pathogens.)

“Indemnify can deliver strong results in as little as one application with the flexibility to apply up to four times per year.”

Derek Settle
PhD, Bayer Green Solutions Team Specialist

Indemnify® is an innovative nematicide that offers control of key nematodes on warm- and cool‑season grasses. It improves root growth and overall turfgrass health, translating to better playability with improved wear tolerance.

How Indemnify works

Fluopyram, the active ingredient in Indemnify, blocks nematodes’ cellular respiration and limits their ability to produce energy. The energy-drained nematodes straighten out and become paralyzed. They stop feeding on roots and eventually die.


Controls root-feeding nematodes such as sting, stunt, root-knot and the foliar-feeding Anguina pacificae, a problem of Poa annua greens in California

Simple application without course closure – just spray and water into root zone within 24 hours

Delivers long-lasting residual in the root zone

Positively impacts root health and length, helping to improve turfgrass quality and density

Flexible timing integrates well with turf maintenance programs throughout the year

Can be applied on all turfgrass species

Preferred application timing

Use in the fall to control nematodes and optimize root health prior to dormancy or to ensure healthy roots during semi-dormancy

Use in spring to control nematodes and ensure normal green-up and transition of turfgrass

Use Indemnify anytime of the year when symptoms surface

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